
Agriculture + Lifestyle

Celebrating Fall in 2020 

Posted on October 22, 2020 8:00 PM

Kelly Thompson, Certified Farmer Market Coordinator 

Wherever you live in Georgia, we’ve got your fall plans covered. Whether you enjoy picking apples, carving pumpkins, getting lost in a corn maze, or attending special events, Georgia farms have worked hard to provide a meaningful experience for you and your family.  Fall is flying by, plan your visit today and don’t forget to bring your Farm Passport.  

North GA

Tuesdays- Sundays in October Fall Fun Season at Sleepy Hollow Farm 

Oct. 24th National Food Day- Tasting Specials at Hillside Orchard Farms

Oct. 31st Fall Farm Day “Harvest Moon Sale” at Hillside Orchard Farms 

Nov. 7th Adult Only Fall Fest at Warbington Farms (includes Ax Throwing, corn maze, hayrides, live music, petting zoo, and food trucks) 

Rain or Shine its Apple Pickin Time


Middle GA

The whole month of October Fair Food at the Farm at Lane Southern Orchards

Oct. 31st Haunted Forest at EM Farms

Oct. 27th The Gathering, A night of prayer and worship at Southern Belle Farm

Oct. 23-25, Oct. 30th Fall Frenzy on the Farm at Greene Acres 

Oct 23-25, 30th-Nov. 1st, Nov. 6-8th Fall Fun at the Farm at Mitcham Farm

Nov.7-8 Cowboy Dayz (Western Weekend) at Mitcham Farm


South GA

Oct. 24th Fall Festival at Paulk’s Vineyard to benefit Called to Care

Oct. 30th & 31st Terror in Transylvania Murder Mystery Party at Paulk Vineyards 

Oct. 24th, 31st, Nov. 7th Fun on the Farm at Calhoun Produce

Oct. 24th, 31st Flashlight Nights at Calhoun Produce

Oct. 24-25th Sunflower Family Fun Festival Weekend at Marks Melon Patch

Oct. 23rd,24th, 30st Flashlight Nights at Marks Melon Patch

Oct. 31st-Nov.1st Last chance Happy Hayridin’ Weekend at Marks Melon Patch


Corn mazes


B.J. Reece Orchards  

Hillside Orchard Farms 

Jaemor Farms 

Sleepy Hollow Farms 

Warbington Farms 



Mitcham Farm 

Southern Belle Farms 

Greene Acres 



Calhoun Produce 

Mark’s Melon Patch 

Poppell Farms 




Fritchey’s Farm Fresh Market 

Jaemor Farms 

Red Apple Barn 

Rockin S Farms 

Sims Family Farm 

Sleepy Hollow Farm 


Greene Acres

Lane Southern Orchard 

Mitcham Farms 

Nu Sunrise Farms 

The Shed at Fitzgerald Fruit Farm *pick your own 

Southern Belle Farm 


Long Natural Farms 

Mark’s Melon Patch *pick your own 

Pittman’s Country Market 

White Oak Pastures 

Southern Grace Farms 



Apples (*U-pick)

*BJ Reece (U-pick and Fall Activities open until Nov.1st) 

*Hillcrest Orchards (U-pick every day in October) 

Mack Aaron Apple House 

Mercier Orchards 

Penland’s Apple Houses 

*R & A Orchards (U-pick every weekend in October) 

*Red Apple Barn (U-pick every weekend in October) 


Whether you're searching for a quick family-friendly getaway this fall, this list is sure to have something for you. Don't forget to stamp your Farm Passport along the way. 

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